Personal Motivation for Cleaning

Top 10 Cleaning Motivation Hacks

Let’s face it, cleaning motivation can be hard to find. It’s not the most exciting task on our to-do list. From piles of laundry and constant loading and unloading of the dishwasher, to wiping down the kitchen counters and vacuuming the floors, keeping your home clean can feel like a never-ending task.  But if you change your perspective a little bit and use these Top 10 Cleaning Motivation Hacks, you’ll  find that consistently having your home clean and organized is incredibly satisfying. And it might just make you feel better as you go about your days!

Cleaning Motivation

Having a tidy living space looks better, but it goes well beyond just aesthetics. A clean, organized home feels better too. Without clutter, stacks of mail, and dishes sitting in the sink, you can go about your day with ease. It’s amazing to see the impact cleaning has on your mindset and overall energy level. If that’s not enough motivation for you, check out these tips and hacks.

Cleaning Motivation Set Clear Goals

Cleaning Hack No. 1

set clear goals

Start by defining your cleaning and organizing goals. Are you aiming to declutter your entire house, transform a specific room, or establish better routines? Having clear goals will give you a sense of purpose and a direction as you start your new cleaning journey.

Consider developing a vision for what you want the end result to be. It helps to visualize your goals. Then create a checklist to break it down into smaller, achievable tasks that you can tackle one step at a time. By accomplishing each task, you’ll feel motivated to move forward and make progress.

Cleaning Routine

Cleaning Hack No. 2

create a cleaning routine

Establishing a consistent cleaning routine is essential for maintaining a clean and organized home in the long run. Dedicate specific days or time slots for different cleaning tasks. Assign vacuuming, dusting, mopping, or laundry to a weekly schedule.

Having a routine makes it easier to stay on top of regular maintenance, preventing clutter and messes from accumulating. The trick is to find a cleaning schedule that works for you and your lifestyle. 

You might prefer a daily or weekly cleaning routine, while others may opt for bi-weekly or monthly deep cleaning schedules. Experiment and adjust as needed until you find a routine that feels manageable and effective.

Cleaning Routine for Motivation

Cleaning Hack No. 3

break tasks into manageable chunks

Large cleaning and organizing projects can feel overwhelming. To overcome this, break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. For example, if you’re decluttering your entire home, focus on one area or category at a time.

Start with your wardrobe, then move to your kitchen cabinets, bookshelves, or the garage. By tackling smaller chunks, you’ll experience a sense of accomplishment with each completed task, which will motivate you to keep going!

Personal Motivation for Cleaning

Cleaning Hack No. 4

find your personal motivation

Take time to discover what motivates you personally to clean and organize your home. It could be the satisfaction of a pristine living space or the enjoyment of a cozy and clutter-free environment. Or, it could be the desire to create a welcoming home for yourself and your loved ones. Visualize the end result and remind yourself of the benefits of an organized home. 

Create a vision board or a Pinterest inspiration board featuring images of your ideal home. Look for motivation triggers like quotes, before-and-after photos, or success stories from others who have transformed their space. These visual reminders will keep you focused and excited about the possibilities.

Cleaning Motivation Decluttering

Cleaning Hack No. 5

utilize the power of decluttering

One of the most effective ways to find motivation is through decluttering. You may not realize it, but clutter can drain your energy and cause mental clutter. This makes it difficult to focus on what truly matters. 

The best way to start decluttering is by identifying areas in your home that are prone to accumulating clutter. These areas are typically closets, drawers, and countertops.

Take a systematic approach to decluttering by sorting items into categories: donate, sell, or discard. Ask yourself if each item serves a purpose, brings you joy, or aligns with your current lifestyle and the person you want to be. If it represents a past version of you, it can be freeing to let that item go. Be ruthless and let go of things that no longer serve you. And remember, decluttering is a continuous process, so embrace a mindset of intentional living and regularly reassess your possessions. This comes in handy when you feel the urge to go shopping! The excitement of new things only lasts temporarily, and it might become clutter if you’re not careful.

Cleaning Motivation Hacks

Cleaning Hack No. 6

ask for help

Cleaning and organizing doesn’t have to be a solo task. Ask for help from family members or friends to make the task more enjoyable and efficient. Set aside a designated time to work together, and you’ll not only make progress faster but you’ll also have a support system to keep each other motivated.

For family members, assign tasks and responsibilities to each person. This will ensure everyone participates and contributes to the overall organization of the home. You may even consider a decluttering or cleaning challenge. By turning these tasks into a fun and collaborative activity, you’ll not only achieve your cleaning goals but also strengthen your bond with family or friends.

Cleaning Hacks

Cleaning Hack No. 7

break free from procrastination

Procrastination is typically the biggest roadblock to maintaining a clean and organized home. It’s so easy to postpone tasks, telling yourself you’ll do it later. However, the longer you delay, the more overwhelming the task becomes.

To overcome procrastination, implement strategies that work for you. Here are a few ideas:

  • Try setting specific deadlines and hold yourself accountable. 
  • Use a timer on  your phone to work in focused bursts of time, taking short breaks in between.
  • Consider implementing the “five-minute rule,” where you commit to working on a task for just five minutes.

Often, once you get started the motivation and momentum will carry you through to completion!

Cleaning Motivation Hack Music Podcasts

Cleaning Hack No. 8

harness the power of music and podcasts

One way to instantly make cleaning and organizing more enjoyable is by creating a playlist of your favorite upbeat and energizing songs. Music can lift your spirits, boost motivation, and make the tasks at hand feel more enjoyable.

Another way is to listen to podcasts or audiobooks while you clean. Engaging your mind with interesting content can distract you and make the time pass more quickly. A few of my favorite podcasts are SmartLess , Lipstick on the Rim, Oprah’s Super Soul, and The Goop Podcast.

Cleaning Motivation Apps

Cleaning Hack No. 9

utilize technology and organization apps

Sometimes wish you had a personal assistant to help you stay on track with your cleaning routine? Embrace the power of technology to streamline your cleaning and organizing efforts! There are now numerous apps available to can help you create cleaning schedules, set reminders, and track your progress. Some popular apps include Tody, Home Routines, and FlyLadyPlus.

You can also explore home organization apps that assist in categorizing and inventorying your possessions. These apps can help you keep track of what you own, making it easier to locate items and avoid uneccessary purchases.

Cleaning Hacks

Cleaning Hack No. 10

celebrate your progress

It’s so important to recognize and celebrate your cleaning and organizing achievements along the way to stay motivated. Treat yourself to rewards for completing tasks or reaching milestones. It could be as simple as enjoying a favorite Starbucks treat, getting a relaxing pedicure, or indulging in a guilt-free Target run for a new skincare product. 

Think about and plan ahead what your celebration will be. This will help to to stay focused and driven to reach your goals. Celebrating your progress no only acknowledges your hard work but also reinforces positive habits and motivates you to continue!

Finding cleaning motivation may seem challenging at times, but by implementing the strategies outlined in this post, you’ll be well on your way to a refreshed and organized living space. Remember to set clear goals, establish a cleaning routine, break tasks into manageable chunks, find personal motivation, ask for help, and celebrate your achievements.

With consistency and determination, you can transform your home into a clutter-free and harmonious haven that supports your well-being and enhances your quality of life.

Embrace the journey and enjoy the rewarding results that a clean and organized home brings!



Looking for some inspiration to decorate your home, organize your space, or plan your next gathering?  You’ll find it all (and more) on my Pinterest page!



If you’re looking for the best home products that will make your life easier and more enjoyable, you’ve come to the right place! I’m sharing all of my favorite must-have items for the home that have made a real difference in my day-to-day life. 

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