clutter-free home

10 Essential Organization Tips for a Clutter-Free Home: A Complete Guide

Has stuff piled up over time and now you feel like your home is cluttered? Do you feel overwhelmed by the mess and chaos around you? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us (including me from time to time) struggle to keep our homes organized and tidy consistently, especially with busy schedules and the demands of daily life. We all want a clutter-free home, but it takes some effort to achieve this consistently.

Fortunately, I’ve rounded up some simple and effective organization tips that can help you transform your home into a clutter-free oasis. In this blog post, I’m sharing 10 essential organization tips that will streamline your living space and bring peace and serenity to your daily life. From decluttering to storage solutions, I’ve got you covered. Let’s get started!

clutter-free home
declutter tips

Clutter-Free Home:

a complete guide

Keeping a clutter-free home can provide numerous benefits for both your physical and mental well-being. From a practical standpoint, it can make it easier to find and use your belongings, reduce cleaning time and effort, and create more space for activities and relaxation.

Clutter can also cause stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm, which can impact your mood and productivity. By creating a peaceful and organized living space, you can reduce stress, improve your focus and creativity, and enjoy a greater sense of calm and clarity.

Let’s dive into these 10 tips for a clutter-free home that can help you to live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life!


clutter-free home

1. make lists

If I don’t have a list to go off of, I’m lost. Lists are everything. I find that creating a weekly to-do list works better for me than a daily one. This allows you to prioritize things you need to accomplish for the week and then complete some of those tasks each day.

TIP: Identify 3 top priorities for each day and then be sure to review your list at the beginning and end of each day. 

clutter-free home


Purging items you no longer use is an essential step towards decluttering your home. It not only frees up physical space but also creates mental space and reduces the stress and overwhelm that comes with clutter. By letting go of things you no longer need, you make room for the things that truly matter and bring joy and purpose to your life.

TIP: Set a specific day of the week and/or month to purge items you’re not using. Tackle different areas of your home each time.



The best way to keep things from piling up is to put them away immediately! If you make it a habit, it will become natural to put things back in their place when you’re done with them. A good example of this is washing, drying, and folding laundry and then putting it away right after the dry cycle is complete.

TIP: Make things accessible. If things are hard to reach or to access, there’s less of a chance that they will be put back.


4. 30 minute cleaning

It’s not realistic to spend a whole day or whole weekend cleaning your entire house. It’s easier if you split it up and do small tasks throughout the week. If you clean small areas in increments of 30 minutes each day, you’ll create an actual habit and have less burnout.

TIP: I created a realistic cleaning schedule you can use here.

clutter-free home

5. don't procrastinate

Procrastinating home tasks will ultimately lead to a buildup of clutter and disorganization, which can impact your mental health and wellbeing. Clutter can be overwhelming and stressful, and can even make it difficult to focus on important tasks. By tackling home tasks promptly and avoiding procrastination, you can create a more functional and peaceful living space that supports your goals and aspirations.

TIP: Break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones to avoid feeling overwhelmed and then procrastinating.

6. visibility matters

Choosing containers that are transparent, clear, or low profile so you can see what’s inside helps to immediately identify the contents. In my pantry, I keep it simple with white containers on my white shelves, but they are low profile and you can easily see what is stored in each one.

TIP: Take it a step further by adding labels to the containers in your pantry and/or fridge.

organized home


There’s a classic saying that comes to mind: “a place for everything and everything in it’s place”. It’s a classic because it’s important! If you don’t have an assigned space for an item, it has no where to go and will end up sitting out as clutter in your home. Everything in your home should have a place it belongs.

TIP: Having items without an assigned spot to belong is a sign that you have too many things. Edit your “stuff” to only keep what’s essential and make sure it has a spot!

clutter-free home organization

8. forget sales & buy less

It’s tempting to buy those new shoes on sale, but do you really need them after you just edited your closet? Once you’ve removed the items you don’t need, try not to fall into temptation when you see new things on sale. Our society loves to make us think we need more, more, more but it’s not true. Retail therapy doesn’t last long.

TIP: Instead of shopping sales without a plan, make a list of exactly what you need and buy only those items.

organized home

9. use helpful apps

Wish you had a personal assistant to help you throughout the week? Use the apps on your phone! A few of my favorites to use are the Amazon Alexa App, Apple Notes App, and the Apple Calendar App. Making lists, calendar time blocks, and shopping lists on your phone can be incredibly helpful throughout your week. Take advantage of the technology in your hands and it will assist you!

TIP: If you have an Amazon Alexa Device, you can verbally ask it to add items to your shopping list or to-do list and then you can pull these lists up on your phone using the app whenever you need to access them.

declutter your home

10. reward yourself

Rewarding yourself for regularly organizing and decluttering your home can be a great motivator to maintain good habits and stay on track with your goals. It can also help you to associate positive emotions with organizing and cleaning, which can make it feel like less of a chore and more of a satisfying activity. Additionally, treating yourself to a reward can be a great way to practice self-care and give yourself a much-needed break from your daily routine.

TIP: Don’t reward yourself by shopping for new “stuff” that will clutter your home again. Instead, think about inviting a friend for a lunch date or buying fresh flowers for your home!

A clutter-free home is achievable with the right mindset, tools, and tips. By implementing these essential organization tips, you can create a more peaceful, functional, and inspiring living space that supports your goals and aspirations. Remember to be patient with yourself, stay committed to your goals, and enjoy the journey towards a clutter-free home.


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Kate Frevert Blog
Kate Frevert

Living Your best Life


transforming your home, inspires your life

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