Home Decor Trends 2023
Fall Home Decor Trends 2023

While it’s exciting to see new trends launch each season in fashion, hairstyles, and even food, the most exciting trends to explore are the new trends in interior design and home decor. Don’t you agree?!? As seasons change and our patterns at home and in life change, it can be refreshing to update our homes to reflect those changes and align with our true selves. With summer fading away, it’s a great time to take a look at the exciting new home decor trends for Fall 2023. Let’s get to it!

fall home decor trends for 2023

As you know, the design and decor of our homes can have a significant impact on our well-being and mental health. The way our living spaces are organized, decorated, and furnished can influence our mood, stress levels, and overall sense of comfort.

There’s a recent movement in home interiors to get away from being overly led by specific interior design styles (goodbye Modern Farmhouse). Instead, we’re designing our spaces to be beautiful and cohesive, but also resonant with who we are and what makes us feel good.

This concept of wellness-focused design has gained traction, with an emphasis on creating spaces that promote relaxation, comfort, and mental well-being. 

how to incorporate these fall home decor trends

Before we get to the 5 Fall Home Decor Trends for 2023, I thought we should talk about how you should review these ideas and possibly incorporate them into your home. The word “trend” can sometimes have a negative connotation, but there are reasons new designs are introduced. 

Changes in cultural preferences, lifestyles, and values can heavily impact interior design trends. As societies evolve, people’s tastes and priorities shift, leading to new preferences in colors, materials, and styles. 

Ultimately, the fall home decor trends of 2023 aim to create spaces that go beyond aesthetics and truly connect authentically with those who inhabit them and bring a sense of calm at home. 

By designing our homes to align with our authentic selves, we can create a conscious effect where we walk in the front door, take in the beauty of our home, and let out an exhale of release because it resonates with us on a personal level.

These 5 Fall Home Decor Trends for 2023 are simply meant to inspire you. You may be drawn to certain shapes, styles, or colors and want to incorporate them into your home. The best advice when it comes to design is to go with your instincts. Never underestimate your taste and what suits your space and lifestyle. So as you review these trends, think of what might feel good in your home, what might bring a sense of calm, and what might simply make you happy. Enjoy!

NO. 1

Curved silhouettes in furniture and accessories have been entering the home decor space for a few years. This fall, they are everywhere with lots of new launches from furniture manufacturers and home decor brands.

Organic shapes are simply inviting and calming. They are pleasing to the eye. Embracing curves in your home decor through sofas, chairs, tables, light fixtures, and accessories can help bring a sense of calm to your interior. 

These curvaceous soft styles and kidney bean shaped sofas are perfect for lounging and relaxing in a cocoon of comfort.

These new designs demonstrate how a high level of refinement can be balanced with a relaxed comfort factor and everyday practicality. I love the idea of not having loose cushions that get smooshed and allow crumbs to collect. 

Design Tip: Not every piece of furniture, accessory, or light fixture needs to be curved. Think of adding in curved silhouettes with the other square-edge, rectilinear pieces you already own. Try placing a curvy decorative bowl on your square coffee table. Add a curved, barrel chair next to your square arm sectional. Put a dome shaded lamp on your nightstand. The juxtaposition will add a sense of sophistication.

no. 2
statement lAMPS

It’s no longer just about that one ceiling hung light fixture. The fall home decor trend in 2023 is to create a warm, flattering glow with floor lamps and table lamps. 

The design of these light fixtures is playful but polished, making a statement in the room. This trend emphasizes the shape and design not just as light fixtures but as pieces of sculpture.

Lamps provide a more intimate and cozy ambiance, as their focused illumination creates pockets of light and shadow, adding depth and character to a room. Unlike harsh overhead lights, lamps can be positioned strategically to reduce glare and create a softer, more flattering glow.

Additionally, lamps allow for greater control over the level of brightness, enabling customization to suit various activities and moods. Overall, the warm and inviting atmosphere created by lamp lighting contributes to a more comfortable and welcoming living space.

Design Tip: You don’t have to stick to one finish throughout your entire home. As shown here, there’s a mix of marble, brass, matte black, dark bronze, and even concrete. Mixing up materials and blending several together creates a more laid-back feel that doesn’t look overly designed.

no. 3
natural textures

This fall, people are opting for less artificial looks and a more natural aesthetic. Incorporating materials and textures rooted in nature in your home decor is one way to connect to the outdoors and has relaxing benefits on our nervous systems. Think rattan, jute, grasscloth, and stained wood (instead of painted wood).

This home decor trend of natural textures is seen in various styles and items from furniture to lighting, making it adaptable to different design aesthetics, whether it’s classic, contemporary, or even minimalist.

These rich, natural textures also serve as a focal point and draw the eye, adding visual interest to a room.

Design Tip: If you work from home and find it hard to wind down, consider drawing on nature as inspiration for decorating your home.

no. 4

For a calming, relaxed, and welcoming interior, earthy or nature-inspired tones are taking over Fall Home Decor Trends in 2023. Hues such as ochre, tan, taupe, clay, and brown are popular. But the color taking over is olive green, and it’s everywhere. 

In various values of lightness and darkness, olive green is offered in furniture, throw pillows, and home accessories everywhere this fall. Yes, even in dog beds!

Olive green is a rich and versatile color that sits between the hues of green and brown. Its subdued, earthy tones evoke a sense of tranquility and harmony, making it an excellent choice for home decor items.

This color draws inspiration from nature, resembling the shade of mature olive tree leaves. Its muted and sophisticated appearance blends well with a variety of design styles and can be used as a neutral or an accent color. Whether as a dominant color or an accent, it brings a sense of grounding and balance to interior spaces, making it a compelling choice for those seeking an understated yet impactful design palette.

Olive green’s muted tone lends itself to creating a calming and serene environment. It exudes a sense of balance, making it ideal for spaces where relaxation and comfort are essential, such as living rooms, bedrooms, and reading corners. 

Design Tip: When used in home decor items like throw pillows, curtains, or rugs, olive green introduces a touch of nature indoors, fostering a connection with the outdoors. Plus, it will also be a great color for the holiday season!

no. 5

The fifth trend for fall home decor in 2023 is incorporating fall foliage and dried botanicals. The delicate textures and muted hues of dried botanicals resonate with the cozy atmosphere of autumn, transforming your home into a haven of comfort and natural beauty.

The longevity and low upkeep of dried botanicals make them a convenient and cost-effective choice, allowing you to effortlessly infuse the spirit of fall into your home. Dried botanicals require minimal maintenance, eliminating the need for watering and sunlight that live plants demand. This is particularly advantageous as the weather cools

Opt for simple and clean arrangements that showcase the natural beauty of the dried botanicals. Avoid overly elaborate or cluttered displays to maintain a modern aesthetic. Focus on a monochromatic color scheme. Grouping dried botanicals in varying shades of a single color lends a sophisticated and cohesive vibe.

Design Tip: Place dried botanicals in areas that naturally draw attention, such as entryways, coffee tables, or mantles. Consider using negative space to accentuate their presence and maintain a clean, uncluttered appearance.


fall home decor trends 2023
Home Decor Trends 2023

And there you have it, the top 5 Fall Home Decor Trends for 2023. I hope you found some inspiration from these trending ideas and styles. My advice is to be inspired by trends, but not led by them. It’s important to only bring styles into your home that you are drawn to. 

Find furniture pieces, area rugs, light fixtures, and colors that make you feel happier at home. Create a look all of your own by surrounding yourself with styles that both comfort you and inspire you to be your best self.

One thing I love most about these new trends is a move toward an overall polished look that has a hint of luxury, but also stays approachable and relaxed. Fashion trends are moving in the same direction. Men can now dress very stylishly without a tie, and women have made the move from heels to trainers. We can balance the relaxed, comfortable feel with a sophisticated, stylish look at home too.

I hope I leave you feeling inspired to live your best, most beautiful life! You know what I say – living your best life starts at home. 

X O X O ,  K A T E

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