Cleaning Schedule New Year

Maintaining a clean and organized home is a powerful way to boost your overall well-being. It truly makes you feel better! As we enter a new year, it’s an ideal time to establish a new cleaning schedule for your home and make it a habit. 

Believe me, I used to be the one who would let the dust pile up until I couldn’t stand it anymore and then spend hours cleaning all weekend. By being more consistent with my cleaning routine, I no longer feel so overwhelmed.

The best way to do this is to start by setting achievable goals and breaking down your cleaning routine into manageable tasks. You can create a cleaning schedule that fits your lifestyle and the size of your home.

In this post, I’m breaking down cleaning tasks into daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal or quarterly lists. Once you stick to your new routine for a few months, it will simply become normal.

In addition to cleaning, one tip I always recommend is to embrace the “one in, one out” rule to prevent clutter from accumulating. Another tip, if you have a spouse or children, is to make it a family effort by involving household members in the cleaning routine to share responsibilities. 

And my biggest tip of all (because it has made such a difference for me) is to try and embrace the mindset that a clean home is an investment in your physical and mental health. Think of your cleaning actions as taking care of the items in your home that you love. Think of cleaning as an act of self-care. 

By sticking to this new cleaning schedule, your home will be a place of peace and serenity where you can thrive in the coming year. With consistency, commitment, and the right mindset, you can welcome the new year with a clean slate and a clean home, setting a strong foundation for improved well-being.

Scroll on for more details and a free checklist to download. Everything is linked at the end!


The new year is a fantastic time to hit the reset button, set fresh goals, and embrace new habits while putting a renewed emphasis on your well-being. It marks a clean slate and a moment for reflection on the past year, allowing you to assess accomplishments and areas for growth. 

The idea of a fresh beginning is incredibly motivating, inspiring us to take action and create positive changes in our lives. 

Following the indulgence and potential stress of the holiday season, the new year serves as an opportune moment to reestablish routines and prioritize well-being, bringing with it a sense of structure and personal growth. 

The new year embodies hope, optimism, and a focus on what truly matters, making it the perfect occasion to start a journey of self-improvement.

why keeping a clean home feels amazing

To some, it may sound like just a chore, task, or looming item on the to-do list. Cleaning your home can feel time-consuming, physically demanding, monotonous, uninspiring, overwhelming, or daunting.

To address this dread, it can be helpful to break cleaning tasks into smaller, manageable parts by creating a cleaning schedule. When you break it down into tasks to complete daily, weekly, monthly, and then seasonal or quarterly the cleaning process becomes easier.

It also helps to play music or listen to an audiobook to make cleaning more enjoyable. Or, you might consider seeking professional cleaning services if it’s within your budget. 

Additionally, reframing cleaning as an act of self-care and a way to maintain a healthy, pleasant living space can shift the mindset from dread to a more positive outlook.

Having a clean home feels amazing. It’s like a breath of fresh air for your soul. The moment you walk in and see everything tidy, clutter-free, and sparkling, you can’t help but smile – right?!?

It’s a cozy sanctuary where stress melts away, and you can truly relax. Everything has its place, and you can find what you need without rummaging. 

It’s not just about appearances; it’s about the sense of peace, control, and well-being it brings. A clean home is a haven, a place where you can rejuvenate and recharge, and it’s a feeling that’s tough to beat.

Now let’s break it down into manageable tasks!


  1. Make the Bed: Start your day with a tidy bedroom by making your bed.
  2. Wipe Down Surfaces: Quickly wipe down kitchen counters, bathroom sinks, and other surfaces after use.
  3. Do Dishes: Wash dishes or load the dishwasher after meals.
  4. Sweep or Vacuum High-Traffic Areas: Give a quick sweep or vacuum in areas that get a lot of foot traffic.
  5. Tidy Up: Put away items that are out of place, and do a quick 10-minute clutter sweep in the evening.


  1. Dust: Dust surfaces, including shelves, tabletops, and electronics.

  2. Vacuum or Sweep Floors: Vacuum carpets and sweep hard floors.

  3. Mop Floors: Mop wood or tile floors, such as kitchen and bathrooms.

  4. Change Bedding: Change your bed linens.

  5. Clean Bathrooms: Scrub toilets, clean sinks, and wipe down mirrors.

  6. Kitchen Deep Clean: Wipe down appliances, clean the inside of the microwave, and scrub the stovetop.

  7. Laundry: Do weekly loads of laundry as needed.

  8. Empty Trash Bins: Empty and replace trash can liners.


  1. Dust and Clean Vents, Ceiling Fans, and Light Fixtures: Dust these often-neglected areas.

  2. Wipe Down Cabinets: Clean the exterior of kitchen and bathroom cabinets.

  3. Clean the Fridge: Check for expired items and wipe down shelves.

  4. Clean Windows and Mirrors: Wipe down windows and mirrors throughout the house.

  5. Deep Clean the Bathroom: Clean the grout, scrub the shower, and clean the bathroom tiles.

  6. Vacuum and Rotate Mattresses: Vacuum mattresses and flip or rotate as necessary.

  7. Clean Baseboards and Trim: Wipe down baseboards and other trim.

  8. Declutter and Organize: Tackle one area of the house for decluttering and reorganizing.


  1. Clean Window Coverings: Vacuum drapery and dust/clean blinds as needed.

  2. Deep Clean Carpets: Consider professional cleaning or rent a carpet cleaner.

  3. Clean and Organize Closets: Go through your clothing and storage areas to declutter.

  4. Check Smoke Alarms and Replace Batteries: Maintain safety by checking your alarms.

  5. Outdoor Maintenance: Tend to yardwork and clean outdoor spaces.

  6. Inspect and Clean Gutters: Check for debris and ensure proper drainage.

download the
free printable

One thing is clear: maintaining a clean and organized living space is essential for our well-being. While it’s perfectly normal to have moments of reluctance when it comes to cleaning, I hope this post has offered practical solutions to make the process more manageable.

From breaking tasks into smaller steps and creating a cleaning routine to seeking help when needed, there are various strategies to turn the dread into a more positive and fulfilling cleaning experience.

So, as we enter a new year, let’s embrace the opportunity to reset, declutter, and establish new cleaning habits that contribute not only to cleaner homes but also to happier and healthier lives. Here’s to a fresh start and a sparkling, stress-free home!


X O X O , K A T E

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